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|| jan trützschler von falkenstein






: 2011 :

01. June: Gliss demo at NIME 2011, Oslo

07.-10. July: Guest Lectures at TU Ilmenau
: 2010 :

04. October: lecture at EarZoom - sonic arts festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia

03. October: live performance (manta and supercollider) at EarZoom - sonic arts festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia

24.-25. Sept.: Sound Snooper, Installation with Mike Rijnierse at TODAYSART 2010, Den Haag

23. Sept. : live at Ausland Berlin - cancelled

21. Sept. : SuperCollider Workshops at SuperCollider Symposium Berlin 2010

03. - 06. June: es raschelt, installation at Stony Brook University Art Gallery NYC

06. / 07. June: SuperCollider Workshops at Resistor NYC

06. June: hexagon live at share New York

03. - 07. March: collaboration with Mike Rijnierse at NIMK Amsterdam: sonic video installation

06. February: t.i.e. at Spa2, Berlin.

16. January: "Cut" for percussion, paper and computer in Birmingham (more info soon).

: 2009 :

19. November: First appearence of my iPhone ensemble t.i. ensemble at Studio Loos, The Hague. Also on the program: 'Hexagon' for computer (SuperCollider) and Manta.

4th October:
'cut' for paper, percussion and computer at the ISCM World New Music Days 2009 performed by Jonny Axelsson.

16th September: 'Hirngespinste' for saxophone, piano, percussion and 3 wii remotes controlling SuperCollider live in Vilnius payed by the LOOS Ensemble.

27. - 29. August:
'schafska¨lte' collaborative
installation with
Mike Rijnierse and
Tom Tlalim
at Flora en Fauna festival Quartair Den Haag,

21. August:
'perforated' for 8 channels
at ICMC Montreal

24./25. June:
SuperCollider workshop at STEIM, Amsterdam

7. - 14. June:
Residency at Gaswerk Weimar
Synae, 90 years of Bauhaus with Tom Tlalim and Mike Rijnierse supported by Stroom

30. May:
BEAST Birmingham:
Perforated (for computer)

28. May:
es raschelt, sound installation
at Gaswerk Weimar
Synae, 90 years of Bauhaus
4.-5. April: SuperCollider workshop with Nick Collins and Dan Stowell at Harwestworks, New York
8. April: live performance at Tank, New York
9.-12. April: SuperCollider Symposium at Wesleyan University, Middletown including a performance of 'perforated' for n-channel audio


25. August 2008: 'Zeitfenster' at the ICMC in Belfast with Aslaug Holgersen (double bass)

25. May 2008: live at studio Loos with Aslaug Holgersen (double bass)

9. March 2008: 'perforated' will be played with BEAST in Birmingham


08. september: 23h cet remote online jam with Anne Wellmer at the IMA Salon #7 07 ars electronica linz & dcr den haag. listen online (.ogg).

19. - 22. september: sonic kitchen at robodock amsterdam {cook's sound environment}

8. october: den haag - the loos ensemble plays my new piece 'hirngespinste' at dag in de branding festival.

30. march: concert at SARC Queens University Belfast

15. april: live at tag with Aslaug Holgersen (double bass)

: February 16: 17h Royal Conservatoire, Kees van Barenzaal, Den Haag. With Aslaug Holgersen.


: November: 20: live impro with Aslaug Holgersen at DCR stand-up night

: October: 24: ctrl-t (solo) in 2kolegas Beijing (pic) .

: October: 26: The Age Of Paper, MusicAcoustica Beijing 2006. performed by: Zian Yan (bass), Liang Xiao (cello) and LiuLing Zi (paper).

: SuperCollider Symposium Birmingham, UK
: 29. juli: MultiTracker, public presentation
: 28. Juli: Oxygen, tape piece at the custard factory
: 27. Juli: Cocoa Bridge Workshop

: sound for the sonicKitchen:
: 22. Juli : Alvito, Portugal
: 20. Juli : Odemira, Portugal at escritanapaisagem
: 21. June : Waag, Amsterdam

: 24. February : -The Age Of Paper- live at the Spark Festival Minneapolis, Minnesota. Supported by gaudeamus (movie den haag)


:17 : stateX-newforms festival, Kwantumhallen, Den Haag
:18 : tag, Den Haag. improvisation with: Luc Houtkamp, Horst Rickels, Robert van Heumen, Tom Tlalim

:October: MusicAcoustica 2005 in Beijing, with support from gaudeamus and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Beijing
:26. 991hPa (4channel piece)
:28. SuperCollider talk and workshop

:09. September: fddm, music for a video by Christoph Kern. cubicworlds opening at Verein für Original-Radierung München.

:26. September: live-impro at Kraakgeluiden, Amsterdam. With Seamus Cater and Petre Radu Scafaru.

:24. june: korzo: sonology 2nd phase final exam concert:
with: The Age of Paper, with Brice Soniano (double bass), Sasha Agranov (cello) and MXZehn (video/installation). supported by STEIM. (watch the movie den haag">video).

:23. june: korzo: sonology 2nd phase final exam concert:
with: oxygen, improvisation with Miki Sugiura, 991hPa.

:the instant music tour with: Miki Sugiura (voice) and Diego Espinosa (perc.)
:16. may: Kraakgeluiden, Amsterdam.
:17. may: recyclart, Brussels.
:18. may: WORM, Rotterdam.
:19. may: TAG Den Haag.
:20. may: Extrapool, Nijmegen.
:23. march: BimHuis Amsterdam with TeamingUp!


:26. november: oxygen, a five channel piece in the concert for the consciousness reframed conference, Conservatory, Beijing

:TeamingUp! tour 2004 (Luc Houtkamp, Guy Harries, Johannes Bauer, Dieter Manderscheid, Martin Blume)
:21. november: Museum Bochum
:20. november: Vooruit Gent
:19. november: Paard Den Haag
:18. november : MuziekCentrum Den Bosch

:17. october: Den Haag with Luc Houtkamp, Peter van Bergen, Guy Harries

:1. july : live with Julia Peters (video) in Cafe Moskau - Berlin for bildbauspiel

:07. june : with Maurice Horsthuis (viola) and Brice Soniano (bass) Kraakgeluiden Amsterdam

:29. may : Spui Theater Den Haag (improvisation)

:13. may : concert in MuziekCentrum Den Bosch (NL): Apparaat 3, performed by Krista Vincent and Sarah Maria Kramer

:6.may : supercollider workshop at STEIM (Amsterdam) with Joel Ryan. First public release of the ControlSpace

: 7.february : live with Maurice Horsthuis string ensemble Jargon in Alkmaar


:14/15.november : Guest Lecture and Workshop about MIDI-Controllers at the Bauhaus-University Weimar

:30.june : live @ Kraakgeluiden Amsterdam with MoT

:26.june: graduated bm sonology

:25&26.june : final exam concert @ Korzo in Den Haag with 4 pieces: wismut, station I, apparaat 3, improvisation with MoT (Amos Elmaliah (git) and Brice Soniano (d-bass))

:02.april : a first version of the environment can be downloaded : jt-stuff-lib.dmg. there is also a recent version of the munger (granular UGen) port to sc JTUGens.dmg.

:27th march: workshop at STEIM with Frankie Mann, Frank Balde >>

:jan-march: programming an environment in supercollider and building a physical controller

:jan/feb : programmed the SCMultiSliderView and the SCEnvelopeView for supercollider 3.

:feb.:live at kicker Utrecht with Amos


:december: station I (stereo piece)

:June: broken orange pekoe ("> multichannel (4track) tape piece)

:June 13: Concert at STEIM , Amsterdam, with Amos Elmaliah (git./electronics).

:April 16: Concert at KORZO theater as result of the Sonology Ensemble Project under the conduction of Walter Fabbeck (UK).

:02/05 first release of some AudioUnits for mac os x.

:22/04 fall static (* stereo tape piece )


:July : live at M. v. Hintzensterns program on radio lotte weimar

:while I was preparing some tea (">analogue 4 track piece,17.06)

:live improvisation (voice/computer) with Tom Tlalim (Steim Amsterdam 17.05).

:soundtrack for infotecture, a short film by optoyz

:online installation: sound Objects v01 (jsyn/java)


:live with the SonoEnsemble ( 01.12. felix meritis - amsterdam; 15.12. monty - antwerpen )

:architag (installation for eCAADe in weimar by optoyz) audio part with J. Sienknecht

:confused conversation (analogue studio piece)

:live at worldhaus tv -leerlauf- in berlin


:I/O/Sonic (# sound-drifting weimar / orf-kunstradio / ars electronica) /08

:live at worldhaus tv (@ ohm/ 34tr/optoyz/rdg)

:Apparat 1 (#)

:transonator (installation with A.Krach)

:installation zum stahlsymposium im Gaswerk

:radio performances (with A.Krach & J. Sienknecht at 106.6 Weimar & 1000 plateaus volksbühne berlin)

:radio performance with orange jr. (106.6 weimar)

:Spuren im Schnee (# stereo piece WS 1998/99)

:NetzKlang (osc project)

:Somewhere in Manhattan (stereo piece)

:sonitus mobiles mobilium umbrarum (sound installation)


My new pice "Cut" for paper, percussion and computer has been nominated by the The European Conference of Promoters of New Music. Premiere will be at the ISCM World Music Days 2009 in Gotenburg, Zweden.
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